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[Bad End RE4/DMC AU] Plagas are lower-level demons and Leon didn’t quite get all of his out during the removal process. What’s a guy to do now that he’s stuck between two worlds? Befriend another guy that’s just like him, in dual nature and bad jokes.


started: Jan / 27 / 23
posts: 12
images: 46
hits: 380

ca·thar·sis / kəˈTHärsəs/ noun
1. The process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
2. Purgation, evacuation of the catamenia (“monthlies”, menstrual fluid) from someone.

chthon·ic / ˈTHänik / adjective
1. Concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld.

[Bad End RE4/DMC AU] Plagas are lower-level demons and Leon didn’t quite get all of his out during the removal process. What’s a guy to do now that he’s stuck between two worlds? Befriend another guy that’s just like him, in dual nature and bad jokes.

A Canon divergent RE4/DMC AU about if the Plaga was not fully removed from Leon, was demonic and not organic, and if bioweapons were engineered utilizing recovered demon assets. Also with pairings. Reference the Timeline and Biology Headcanons and the pieces will hopefully fall into place.

Think of this blog like a AU fic series on AO3 that uploads different one-shots of an AU–in no particular order–and it’s more or less that!

Why this site?

In the late 90s and early 2000s the internet was a much different place. People made personal or art sites to express themselves, connect with eachother, indulge in fandom, and more. I had always wanted to do that but lacked the courage and confidence. There was nothing more I loved to do than go through art gallery websites, looking at so much cool art then checking out their links to go to the next site.

Now nearly 20 years later, with websites like this mostly extinct, I want to help encourage others to bring back this part of the web and fandom. I hope that CTHRSIS will help inspire someone and maybe even encourage them to start their own blog or website.


Reposting work without a link back or credit is strictly prohibited.
Art can be used in non-commertial icons/graphics/videos/etc* with credit (ei: user description or watermark).
 Using anything displayed on this site for AI is strictly prohibited.
 Fanart/Gift Art/Fanwork of this AU are welcome! At/message me on Bluesky, Twitter, CTHRSIS’s Ask Form, or use the tag on any platform if you’re shy. I’d love to see what others are inspired to make!

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More link images and information can be found on this page.


[07/03] Added an Ask page, Cryptobiology page, updated Links, and tweaked some of the coding here and there. New links have been added as well, please check them out!

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